Love yourself

It is easy to love yourself when things are going well.....You can bask in your own glow because you are glowing. You can feel it and it feels good. 
It is hard to love yourself when things are not going well, when you feel crappy, when things don't go your way, when you've messed up. 
And that is when the work begins. The work to love yourself. 
Because it is so easy to go down the rabbit hole of not loving yourself. To fall into that old groove, that well worn path of reminding yourself of all that you have done wrong, said wrong, and fall into that familiar dark place where there is no glow, where there's just that ugh-feeling of being you.
Yes, that is when the work begins. The work to love yourself.
The work to choose between curling up, hiding in the familiar darkness, listening to those old stories that you tell yourself, or to keep going.
Yes, that is when the work begins. The work to love yourself.
The work to keep going, to see the familiar choice, and to decide, instead, to keep going. To keep moving beyond that, knowing that beyond that familiar place is the light, the glow, the radiance inside, that there is where that light shines, even when you cannot see it or feel it, it is still there, inside, you just need to keep going, to keep moving, because it is still there, it is where the glow comes from and, to get there, you need to choose to keep moving past the old to find it. And that is the new habit, that is the way - past the dark and to the light -- and that, with more trips to the light, that will become your new well worn path. 
Yes, that is the work to love yourself -- no matter what the day brings - to keep moving, to love yourself till you find the glow that is the radiance of you.

Anne Alexander